Page name: horse lovers united [Logged in view] [RSS]
2007-09-09 20:37:23
Last author: Kahri
Owner: Savior of the Broken
# of watchers: 25
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This is for all you horse lovers out there who want people to know it! Wether you've ever seen a real horse or not, as long as you love horses, this is the place you! Come on and Join!

Here are two Horse Lovers banners:

If these banners are ok, please tell me [Hopper89], if you don't like them I'll try and make some better ones.


I made this banner for us. It's a pic of Sham (horse,white) and Sasha (pony) and I thought it would be funny since they really do look like they're saying that. :) Cheers :) [// Grace //.And..Bend]

If you love horses, put your names down here and write a horsey comment if you want!

1.[Savior of the Broken] *sings* I LOVE HORSES! NANANANANA! I LOVE HORSES! NANANANANA!*stops singing* Hey guess what! I LOVE HORSES!!!!!!!
2.[Kit Azhure] Horses are my life!
3.[Innocent as Sin] Gaited/Racking Horses Rock!
4.[Hopper89] Yeah! Hops up and down. Finally a good horse wiki!!!!!! Horses rock my socks off!
5.[// Grace //.And..Bend] I miss sham :( (half arab i used to have)
6.[Lyra Belacqua] Life without horses just isn't life!!!!
7.[Rydia] I love Nobella Prize! (Prince) Look for him on my house!
8.[Elindyl_Star] Horses are cool!!!
9.[Pipagorn] Yay for the ponies!!! "The air of heaven is that which blows between a horse's ears."- An Arabian Proverb
11.[Tanka] "Gypsy gold does not chink and glitter, it gleams in the sun and neighs in the dark"-a rom proverb. and mustangs rule!!!!
13.[Silver Badger] I don't own any horses (T_T) but I love two I met named Kate and Rose!
14.[Broken_Wings444] I have many many horses and would like to own many many more! :)
15. [Sloan] i own 12 horses and love em all to bits!
16.[san~sao] i only take car of one but i love him so much^-,^.
17.[stephomelon] I have a little pony, don't cross me or you can deal with him. It wont be pretty, lol!
18. [Arlin_Aster] I luv horses *hugs Tink Tink* (my horse)
19: [Fuzzybaboonbutts] horsies..^-^
20: [Sylraïana] *huggles her fave horsey*
21. [Bye!!!!!!!!!] i have 6 horses and 3 of them are my own...i am going to do high school rodeo! i love my horses, Jasmine, Silver, and Sammy(my sexy pony :P)
22. [{{Jessicuh!}}] Horses are my life..The best animal in the world...
23. [moira the paradox]
24. [Fire-n-Ash] ah, horses, my true love! 3 is just never enough!!!!
25. [01234] I rodeo and own three horses.
26. [Saulegraza] I barrel race and go to CSU for equine science. Plan on owning my own operation post-college.
27. [Roccoriel] Currently riding versatility ranch with my mare and working on a career training and breeding performance horses.
28. [HE IS MY ONE TRUE LOVE!] horses!! I am such a horse fanatic!!! yay!!
29. [elvenrogue] Obession of horses, is always a great thing.^^
30.[] i wish i could run like a horse!
31.[freakchild] And they thought I would grow out of it;)
32. [Kelaria] Horses are so beautiful... They are wonderful and amazing creatures!
33.[Thorgin] I love horses *hugs all horsies*
34.[Piggly_wiggly] i don't know what tp put? horse power?
35.[abandonedhouse7 7] Gypsy gold does not chink or glitter... it gleams in the sun and neighs in the dark. (Irish Gypsy proverb) ^_^
36. [moira hawthorne] love horses... always did always will and some day Ill own my own! b/c I miss riding! 10 yrs english lessons and worked at a stable.
37.[Artsieladie]i miss having horses!
38.[Leaegd] Wish I had a horse.. Our so-called garden is only grass, perfect for a horse, BUT of course, my mum... One day I'll own a horse (well, preferably more than 1)
39.[Moonkeeper of Arilestite] I love horses! obviously!! woohoo!
40.[Chemical Solitude] yay im no.40!! woot! go the ponies!! their so much fun!!
41. [Kuramasgirl] Horses rule! Their the most intelligent animals in the world!! ^.^
42. [more meredith please!] been ridin since i was 9, and ive always been in love with horses......theyre better than a lot of humans..
43.[orchidflame]i looooove horses soo much there so graceful and beautiful.......i wish i could have one:)
45.[black_rose666] i have 4
46.[southern_ hearted_ cowgirl]
47.[SunCloud] Horsies rule!!!
48.[ArchRose] Horses are the true essences of elegence and grace!
49.[love is confusing] i love horses i always have
50.[PiT bUlL gIrL_33]
53. [Forever Equine] I've spent the last 10 yrs of my life, drawing them, writing about them, training them, but most of all LOVING them!=D
54.[EveEnthrall] i used to ride and still wish i could. horses are enchanting and beautiful creatures.
55. [Shadow Girl056] I've been fortunate enough to work with these amazing animals for 7 years now, and I hope it's just the beginning. I feel so blessed every day when i walk outside and see them standing there :D
56. [Kahri]
horse pictures wether its your horse or just a picture you found on the net... It belongs here!
Horse photo reference totally free images donated by Elftowners that you can use for reference, photo manipulations or your home page.

horse drawings put your beautiful horse art here!

horse JOKES! JOKES! ABOUT HORSES! Add yours!

horse training techniques Training Techniques you know about... anything that works!

horse poems Poems that you made up about horses or that you found on the internet.

monthly featured member Every month I will add put up a member that has been active and that has submitted a lot of stuff to the wiki! Vote here-->featured member voting

The shrine of fallen horses Come honour the memory of the horses that we loved dearly and have passed away to a better place. Let them never be forgotten.

Username (or number or email):


2004-09-24 [san~sao]: catches jubiiiiiiiiiiiiiii thanks^-,^

2004-09-24 [stephomelon]: he he, I ask 'em and they don't show up. It's ok, 'cause me pony is better than all of!

2004-09-24 [san~sao]: yeah horses/ponyes are much better friends...hehe... the guys in my school kinda tease me cause i like horses even though i don´t talk about them... hmmm but the guys in my class are also weirdoes..^-,^

2004-09-24 [stephomelon]: The guys at school don't tease me, but everytime I do something they say "it's horsey isnt it?" and if I say its not they wont believe me. ha ha! I've finally decided to do something horsey for art just to make 'em happy.

2004-09-24 [san~sao]: hehe... do that^-,^... the guys in my class calls me horse hocker (cause they think that they´re funny) and horse... but ohhh well i don´t listen to them that much.... hehe...

2004-09-25 [stephomelon]: lol, thats no good. I don't get called names about it. Just everything I do is supposed to be horsey, lol.

2004-09-25 [Rydia]: *throws horse treats*

2004-09-25 [stephomelon]: aargh! *ducks for cover as a herd of horses comes stampeding by*

2004-09-25 [Rydia]: yay!! *dances in the herd*

2004-09-25 [Innocent as Sin]: *pokles everyone andruns*

2004-09-26 [Rydia]: *gasps and chases*

2004-09-26 [Innocent as Sin]: uh oh *runs faster* run away run away.....

2004-09-26 [Rydia]: *keeps chasing, laughing*

2004-09-26 [stephomelon]: *directs the horse stampede in FFA Girls direction*

2004-09-26 [san~sao]: *watches amazed* what a show...O_o

2004-09-26 [stephomelon]: not as good as me falling off my pony twice today :D now that was entertainment!

2004-09-26 [san~sao]: twice O_o... that must suck.. i usually only fall of one time...hehe :P

2004-09-26 [Innocent as Sin]: *climbs tree* ooooo looky at the pwetty horsies......

2004-09-26 [san~sao]: *climbs in the tree to and sit next to you and watches too* woow yeah it´s a pretty view^-,^

2004-09-27 [Rydia]: *is trampled* X.x whee

2004-09-27 [stephomelon]: *jumps on a horse and promptly falls off...continues to do so*

2004-09-27 [Rydia]: *giggles and runs off to work, hopefully to make money to buy a horsie*

2004-09-27 [Innocent as Sin]: *is falling out of the tree laughing*

2004-09-27 [san~sao]: *looks after you* hmmm that must have heardt hehe.. :P

2004-09-28 [Innocent as Sin]: *hangs upside down and pokles [san~sao]*

2004-09-28 [san~sao]: *moves so i can get away but gets a better idea and starts to push with the feets* hehe... take that.. :P

2004-09-28 [Innocent as Sin]: hey now stinky feet....

2004-09-29 [san~sao]: hehe... lmao... ops* falls down and hang in the tree with hands*...

2004-09-29 [Innocent as Sin]: *hanging upside down looks at you* hmm a garfield manuver...

2004-09-29 [san~sao]: hehe...^_^*starts tickeling you*.. this is fun :P

2004-09-29 [Innocent as Sin]: ack!!! *falls landing on head and doesn't move*

2004-09-29 [san~sao]: *jumps down and look scared at you* are you okay?????O_o

2004-09-29 [Innocent as Sin]: *no movement*

2004-09-29 [san~sao]: *crawls down besides you* are you okay *pushes gently*

2004-09-29 [Innocent as Sin]: *grabs you laughing and runs away*

2004-09-30 [san~sao]: *gets suprised and runs after you...* hehe.. now you´re mean! :P

2004-09-30 [Innocent as Sin]: i know and I love it....*hides behind tree*

2004-09-30 [san~sao]: *finds you* hahahaaaaa you can´t exscape now :P

2004-09-30 [Innocent as Sin]: yeah i can *skurries into a big hole*

2004-09-30 [san~sao]: *looks after you* naaahhhh i don´t wanna follow you now... *takes a nap instead* XD

2004-09-30 [Innocent as Sin]: *creeps out and pokes you with a stick*

2004-10-01 [san~sao]: ouch..hehe..*graps stick and tryes to get it from you* :P

2004-10-01 [Innocent as Sin]: acK!!!!! *starts pulling and looses grip tumbling backwards back into the hole*

2004-10-01 [san~sao]: hehe...*starts laughing and falls down* hahahaaaa... ^_^

2004-10-01 [Innocent as Sin]: *hears an echo as I speak from deep in the hole* this is so not my day right now....

2004-10-01 [san~sao]: *laugh even more* nope i can see that...lmao^_^

2004-10-01 [Innocent as Sin]: *gets to looking like on the cartoons where you can see only the eyes* i see you

2004-10-02 [san~sao]: *gets freaking scared and runs away* ahhhhhh ^-,^..hehe

2004-10-02 [Innocent as Sin]: lmao

2004-10-03 [san~sao]: *hide behind the tree*... shouldn´t we just go back to the normal chat...hehe...lmao^_^

2004-10-04 [Innocent as Sin]: fine *leaves so people can be normal*

2004-10-04 [Rydia]: Normal people?? :-/ *leaves too*

2004-10-04 [Innocent as Sin]: *in a loud voice* how many normal people are here?

2004-10-04 [san~sao]: okay i admitt i don´t think any are normal at :P

2004-10-04 [Rydia]: really?? none?? I was starting to get worried there

2004-10-04 [san~sao]: lol.. ^-,^

2004-10-05 [Rydia]: *smiles*

2004-10-05 [Innocent as Sin]: hhmm..

2004-10-05 [san~sao]: *throw a ballon with water in it after Rebel Girl and hits so she gets weat, and walk innacent away* hehe..^_^

2004-10-05 [Innocent as Sin]: *grabs hose and sprays anything that does not move.....including horses.*

2004-10-05 [san~sao]: *runs away and hide*hehe... :P

2004-10-08 [Innocent as Sin]: now where she go? *creeps around*

2004-10-08 [san~sao]: *sees you and walks slowly away from my hiding place*... hehe...

2004-10-09 [Innocent as Sin]: THERE YOU ARE!!!! *sploosh!* GOTHCHA!!!!!

2004-10-10 [san~sao]: arggg! *tryes to excape* hehe :P

2004-10-10 [Innocent as Sin]: lmao man we are crazy.....

2004-10-11 [Savior of the Broken]: Yay! My best friend started riding lesons! *jumps*

2004-10-16 [Rydia]: I'm one step closer to getting a horse... once I do, everything will be okay...

2004-10-16 [Innocent as Sin]: I have a new pic up of mine up if you want to go see

2004-10-16 [Rydia]: yay!

2004-10-16 [Innocent as Sin]: lol tell me what you guys think

2004-10-16 [Rydia]: I think he's very handsome... and very big ^_^ More horsie to love

2004-10-16 [Innocent as Sin]: lol you can tell he is cant you.

2004-10-16 [san~sao]: hi again... lucky you to have a horse!...^_^... i´ve stopped riding the one i take care of and now i have to wait 7 month until my friend gets hers so i can take care of hers ^~^... i´m gonna miss riding....

2004-10-16 [Innocent as Sin]: hehe name change again

2004-10-17 [san~sao]: why do you change your name so many times???? ^_^

2004-10-20 [Rydia]: Yeah? Just curious :-)

2004-10-20 [Innocent as Sin]: just trying to find something that fits me i find something and see what it does then if i dont like it i change it just how i am i guess i dont like routine

2004-10-24 [Rydia]: ah, understandable

2004-10-24 [san~sao]: lol... i don´t even know how to change my name..hehe..^_^

2004-10-25 [Innocent as Sin]: homepage.......and up in the corner it says contact change info and then you click on it. and then it is plain and simple from there.

2004-10-28 [san~sao]: oki doki..hehe..^_^

2004-10-29 [Innocent as Sin]: hope that helped a little....umm could someone send me a banner code so i can put it up......i'm not good with htmls....thanks

2004-11-22 [Rydia]: Im going to look at a horse I might get to buy today!!! YAY

2004-11-23 [san~sao]: you´re soooooooo lucky!!!!!!!!!.. hehe.. ^_^

2004-11-23 [moira the paradox]: What kind of a horse is it?

2004-11-24 [Rydia]: its a TB QH mix

2004-11-25 [moira the paradox]: ooh, nice. *looks up pleadingly* can I come? (just

2004-11-25 [Rydia]: oooo......cody was wonderful...i hope i get to buy him, but prolly not :-(

2004-11-27 [san~sao]: why not???....

2004-11-27 [Rydia]: A lady has first dibs on him, if she decideds to buy today, then No Cody (the horse) for me

2004-11-27 [// Grace //.And..Bend]: :(

2004-11-27 [Rydia]: but if the weather is good, I get to go see him tomorrow ^_^ and try him out on a...Trail Ride!

2004-11-27 [// Grace //.And..Bend]: yay!!! *stuffs herself into ry's pocket to go too*

2004-11-27 [san~sao]: hehe... you´re lucky..^_^.. i hope you get him..

2004-11-27 [Rydia]: ooo...I have a impy in my pocket

2004-11-27 [// Grace //.And..Bend]: hehe........ *decorates in your pocket* much better *as she straightens a picture of a flower on her jean wall*

2004-11-28 [Rydia]: oooo.....*blinks*

2004-11-29 [Innocent as Sin]: i thought I was nuts.........though some of you are no where near me weirdness

2004-11-29 [Rydia]: *smiles*

2004-11-29 [// Grace //.And..Bend]: *starts nailing some horse pictures up with thumbtacks*

2004-11-29 [Rydia]: *is stabbed in the ass* ahh!

2004-11-30 [Innocent as Sin]: *roflmao* oh that was classic

2004-11-30 [// Grace //.And..Bend]: *wonders what that was* well hell...i didn't know i bought land in this kind of shaky loud area.....damn neighbors

2004-11-30 [Innocent as Sin]: sorry we try to be quiet really we do.....

2004-12-01 [Rydia]: *blinku*

2004-12-03 [// Grace //.And..Bend]: *goes backs to cleaning up pocket cleaning*

2004-12-03 [Rydia]: *wonders where the voices are coming from*

2004-12-03 [// Grace //.And..Bend]: *turns her music up louder*

2004-12-05 [Rydia]: ...o.o my ass is playing music

2004-12-05 [// Grace //.And..Bend]: bet

2004-12-05 [Rydia]: o.o....oi...

2004-12-06 [// Grace //.And..Bend]: *head bangs in ry's pocket*

2004-12-07 [Rydia]: *goes to a shrink*

2004-12-07 [// Grace //.And..Bend]: hmm.....I think I need more space in here (starts cutting at the jean in her pocket)

2004-12-08 [Rydia]: *blinks and looks down*

2004-12-08 [// Grace //.And..Bend]: (runs into this fleshy peice of pink) dood what in the world is this stuff (pokes it with her knife)

2004-12-08 [Rydia]: *jumps* ahhh!

2004-12-09 [// Grace //.And..Bend]: makes noise...EARTHQUAKE *drops the chainsaw and runs for shelter*

2004-12-09 [Rydia]: O.O ooowwww

2004-12-10 [// Grace //.And..Bend]: that's it...I'm gonna move

2004-12-11 [Fire-n-Ash]: CAN I JOIN?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

2004-12-11 [Rydia]: YES!! or, at least, thats my vote

2004-12-11 [Fire-n-Ash]: YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2004-12-12 [~*Cassie*~]: How do i join???

2004-12-12 [// Grace //.And..Bend]: i vote for joining too *raises her hand from ry's back pocket*

2004-12-12 [Roccoriel]: Hey. Ya'll need to check out PHAE

2004-12-12 [01234]: Yeah dude, PHAE is sweet too

2004-12-12 [Rydia]: *looks down at her pocket*

2004-12-12 [// Grace //.And..Bend]: *looks up at ry* uh...hi

2004-12-13 [Rydia]: *mega-confoozed blink, at the little person*

2004-12-13 [// Grace //.And..Bend]: ermm...this kind of hard to explain......let me start from the beginning *sighs* i don't remember the lets start from a couple minutes's it

2004-12-13 [Rydia]: so, you just started being impy a couple minutes ago?

2004-12-13 [// Grace //.And..Bend]: no..i started being impy awhile ago...but you just now looked into your pocket

2004-12-13 [Rydia]: ohhh...i see...*blink*

2004-12-13 [// Grace //.And..Bend]: yuppers *gives youa thumbs up*

2004-12-14 [Rydia]: *laughs* ok, you can stay

2004-12-14 [Rydia]: wow, someone posted

2004-12-14 [01234]: why is that a surprise?

2004-12-14 [// Grace //.And..Bend]: woohoo!!!! I can stay.

2004-12-15 [Rydia]: because, for the most part, its just been me and Impy

2004-12-15 [01234]: That's cause there's not much going on... stuff in pockets... ??? Talk about horses and other people will get in on it too.

2004-12-15 [Rydia]: well, I was... then people went poof, along with cody

2004-12-15 [01234]: Who's Cody?

2004-12-15 [Rydia]: The horse I almost got to buy

2004-12-15 [01234]: why didn't you?

2004-12-15 [Roccoriel]: PHAE has a conformation clinic! check it out!

2004-12-16 [Rydia]: someone else was there before me...-_- sad

2004-12-16 [// Grace //.And..Bend]: no!!!!! *falls to her knees*

2004-12-16 [Rydia]: oh well...

2004-12-16 [01234]: oh that is sad, I'm sorry...

2004-12-16 [Rydia]: No prob, there are other horses... but Cody was wonderful

2004-12-16 [01234]: Do you have a horse right now? What are you looking for? Where are you located (state, general)?

2004-12-16 [01234]: I'm just curious because I do a lot of horse trading in my spare time and maybe could hook you up with the right horse.

2004-12-16 [Rydia]: No, I dont have a horse right now. I'm looking for a horse that, basicly, wont try to kill me (I ride hunt seat, I can jump... but not very well) and I am in Toledo ohio

2004-12-16 [01234]: alright cool what is your price range?

2004-12-17 [// Grace //.And..Bend]: hmm new horse *starts dusting off the photo album*

2004-12-17 [Rydia]: Fun stuff

2004-12-18 [HE IS MY ONE TRUE LOVE!]: hey!!!

2004-12-18 [01234]: hi

2004-12-18 [HE IS MY ONE TRUE LOVE!]: can I join (would use question mark but it makes too much noise)

2004-12-18 [01234]: LOL Do you love horses?

2004-12-18 [01234]: OFCOURSE! Just go to edit this page and ad your name!

2004-12-18 [HE IS MY ONE TRUE LOVE!]: yay!! thanksies!!

2004-12-18 [Rydia]: lol

2004-12-18 [HE IS MY ONE TRUE LOVE!]: -grins-

2004-12-18 [01234]: Rydia did you get a chance to look at that horse website I messaged you?

2004-12-18 [Rydia]: Yes I did, and I think he's a wonderful horse... lol, I'm just not sure where athens is.

2004-12-18 [01234]: I thought he looked pretty cool and he was one of the cheapest prices I could find... A lot of the horses in your discipline tend to be high-strung and nervous requiring an experienced rider or trainer... go to and type in the address and it'll show you where athens is.

2004-12-18 [Rydia]: ok, thanks

2004-12-18 [01234]: Yup let me know what happens if you contact them too.

2004-12-19 [Rydia]: alrighty. Hmm... no wonder hardly anyone ever comments, lol, If I'm right I'm the only one watching this wiki. Okay, so, to anyone watching, or who will answer: What is your favorite horse breed??

2004-12-19 [// Grace //.And..Bend]: arabs...but come probly already knew that....yours?

2004-12-19 [// Grace //.And..Bend]: and i watch it too

2004-12-19 [Rydia]: Friesian! whee! lol too bad I dont ride dressage though.

2004-12-19 [01234]: LOL Hello I watch it too... so does Roccoriel & AutumnofEire. Fav. horse breed = QH & Paints

2004-12-19 [Rydia]: Yay. *waits for more to repond*

2004-12-22 [HE IS MY ONE TRUE LOVE!]: hey lol whats up

2004-12-22 [HE IS MY ONE TRUE LOVE!]: i love horses alot

2004-12-23 [Rydia]: yay! whats your favorite breed?

2004-12-23 [HE IS MY ONE TRUE LOVE!]: kNABSTRUBT LOL........

2004-12-23 [// Grace //.And..Bend]: hehe...i love that name...and the horse breed is so pwetty ^_^

2004-12-24 [Fire-n-Ash]: My fave breed is either the Friesian or the Holsteiner. Just FYI

2004-12-24 [Rydia]: Yay!

2004-12-24 [HE IS MY ONE TRUE LOVE!]: THANKS Y SIS SAYS IT IS UGLY shows what she knows

2004-12-24 [// Grace //.And..Bend]: it's pritty

2004-12-24 [HE IS MY ONE TRUE LOVE!]: i know it looks like a dalmation

2004-12-25 [stephomelon]: My cousin thinks all spotted horses are ugly..well I think her pony is annoying so :P to her

2004-12-25 [Roccoriel]: I far as rare breeds go I love the spanish horses, the Andalusions and Lusitanos. Course, I appreciate a nice cutting QH too.

2004-12-26 [stephomelon]: I saw an Andalusian advertised in the horse deals magazine...I wanted him so very much! I love little ponies though as far as favourites go, Caspians in particular!

2004-12-27 [Rydia]: Ponies are fun :-)

2004-12-28 [Innocent as Sin]: as usual i am like way behind o nwhat all is going what are we talking about?

2004-12-28 [Rydia]: Our favorite breed of horse ^_^

2004-12-28 [Innocent as Sin]: hmmm lets see.......i think mine is Tennessee Walking Horse as the light horse adn then the heavy breed would be the Shire. though there are several others that i like as well.

2004-12-28 [Rydia]: yes, its hard to chose just one... I love them all

2004-12-28 [stephomelon]: The favourite individual horses of mine have all been crossbreeds...So I love them the mostest!

2004-12-28 [Rydia]: hehehe yeah! *huggles all the ponies cause they are all special*

2004-12-28 [// Grace //.And..Bend]: *dislikes ponies*

2004-12-28 [Rydia]: o.o

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